The Health and Well-being Division at Temple University takes a holistic approach to promoting a campus culture of mental, physical and social wellness for all students, faculty and staff.

Helping you thrive is our priority. We’re here for you.

Get emergency assistance.

If you are experiencing an emergency, these resources are free, confidential and available 24 hours a day.

Find the support you need to be your best self.

Temple’s Health and Well-being Division includes the following units that offer a vast selection of holistic care ranging from general education on mental, physical or sexual health to individual counseling to crisis support and more.

Participate in our wellness events.

The division hosts various wellness events throughout the school year. From mental health support workshops and first aid trainings to physical and sexual health information sessions, these events are designed to support every aspect of your holistic wellness journey. 

Discover our wellness services.

In addition to the Health and Well-being Division’s resources listed above, there are other university services to help you find balance in your daily life.

Learn about the Health and Well-being Division.

The Health and Well-being Division at Temple University is here to provide comprehensive wellness services for Temple students, faculty and staff. Well-being has a significant impact on an individual’s academic and personal success. We take a holistic approach to promoting a campus culture of mental, physical and social wellness for all students, faculty and staff. 

The path to positive health and well-being is unique to each individual and the division is here to support your journey. We are flexible, inclusive and responsive to the needs of our community, and we provide students, faculty and staff with emergency resources, medical care, mental health support and health advocacy services.