
Dr. Elizabeth Neil currently serves as clinical education coordinator and assistant professor of instruction in the Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. Prior to coming to Temple, Dr. Neil served in the same position at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH. Dr. Neil completed her PhD in curriculum and instruction with a concentration in athletic training education at Indiana State University in Terre Haute, IN. She additionally completed her post-professional master's in athletic training at ISU. Born and raised in Erie, PA, Dr. Neil stayed local to complete a bachelor of science in athletic training with an exercise science minor at Mercyhurst University.

Dr. Neil has worked clinically as an athletic trainer with Union Health Center for Sports Medicine in Terre Haute, IN, as well as at Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene, TX. She has received the Ethos Award for excellence in teaching, scholarship and service at Indiana State University and the Z. Mel Blickenstaff memorial doctoral student scholarship from the National Athletic Trainers' Association. Dr. Neil has served as the secretary for the Indiana Athletics Trainers' Association and on the Indiana Young Professionals Committee. She has spoken and presented research at the state, district and national levels. Her research interests lie in medical documentation and healthcare administration, clinical education, and educational advancements specifically focused on mental health initiatives.


  • PhD, Curriculum and Instruction (Concentration: Athletic Training Education), Indiana State University
  • MS, Athletic Training, Indiana State University
  • BS, Athletic Training (Minor: Exercise Science), Mercyhurst University

Curriculum Vitae 

Courses Taught




ATHT 5142

Foundations of Athletic Training


ATHT 5287

Practicum in Athletic Training I


ATHT 5852

Transition to Athletic Training Clinical Practice


ATHT 5888

Immersive Clinical Practice in Athletic Training


ATHT 5988

Advanced Immersive Clinical Practice in Athletic Training


ATHT 8602

Clinical Grand Rounds I: Lower Extremity


Selected Publications

  • Milliet, M.M., Neil, E.R., Torres-McGehee, T.M., Gilmore, G., Moore, K., & Winkelmann, Z.K. (2025). Experiences of Athletic Trainers Following the Death of a Student-Athlete by Suicide, Part 2: Institutional and Personal Response. J Athl Train. United States. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-0283.24

  • Mitchell, A.M., Neil, E.R., Eberman, L.E., Armstrong, T.A., Greffly, T.J.P., & Winkelmann, Z.K. (2024). Delivering Patient-Centered Care with Respect to Patient Education and Health Literacy in Athletic Training Job Settings. J Athl Train. United States. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-0148.24

  • Mansell, J.L., Moffit, D.M., Miller, S., Burns, S., & Neil, E.R. (2024). Athletic Trainers' Beliefs Regarding Professionalism. J Athl Train, 59(5), pp. 546-557. United States. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-0371.23

  • Devenney, J.S., Drescher, M.J., Rivera, M.J., Neil, E.R., & Eberman, L.E. (2024). Organizational Expectations Regarding Documentation Practices in Athletic Training. J Athl Train, 59(2), pp. 212-222. United States. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-0062.23

  • Young, R.D., Neil, E.R., Eberman, L.E., Armstrong, T.A., & Winkelmann, Z.K. (2023). Experiences of Current National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Collegiate Student-Athletes With Mental Health Resources. J Athl Train, 58(9), pp. 704-714. United States. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-0180.22

  • Wilson, C.J., Eberman, L.E., Redinger, A.S., Neil, E.R., & Winkelmann, Z.K. (2022). Athletic trainers' viewpoints of patient-centered care: Preliminary findings. PLoS One, 17(9), p. e0274577. United States. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0274577

  • Neil, E.R., Winkelmann, Z.K., & Eberman, L.E. (2021). Wound Closure Skills: Teaching Suturing in Athletic Training Education. Athletic Training Education Journal, 16(4), pp. 287-299. doi: 10.4085/1947-380x-20-94

  • Dennison, K., Neil, E., Powden, C.J., & Eberman, L.E. (2021). Collegiate Athletic Trainers' Self-Reported Strategies and Motives for Using Electronic Medical Record Systems and Investigations Into Meaningful Use. Athletic Training & Sports Health Care, 13(5). doi: 10.3928/19425864-20210228-01

  • Hamilton, S., Neil, E.R., & Eberman, L.E. (2021). Athletic Trainers' Social Media Use: A Focus Group Study. Athletic Training & Sports Health Care, 13(4). doi: 10.3928/19425864-20200424-01

  • Fowler, M., Neil, E., & Powden, C. (2021). Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal Screening Tool Practices Among Athletic Trainers in Secondary School and Collegiate Settings. Journal of Sports Medicine and Allied Health Sciences Official Journal of the Ohio Athletic Trainers Association, 6(3). doi: 10.25035/jsmahs.06.03.03

  • Armstrong, T.A., Neil, E.R., Pennington, A.M., Mair, K.E.F., & Eberman, L.E. (2021). Athletic Trainers' Perceptions of Accessibility to Necessary Resources for Those Working Per Diem Services. J Athl Train, 56(1), pp. 112-122. United States. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-0095.20

  • Eberman, L.E., Nye, J.R.E., Neil, E.R., & Games, K.E. (2021). Leadership and Management Perspectives from Athletic Health Care Executives. Athletic Training Education Journal, 16(1), pp. 1-12. doi: 10.4085/1947-380x-19-078

  • Eldred, C.M., Neil, E.R., Dougal, Z.J., Walker, S.E., Grimes, A.M., & Eberman, L.E. (2021). Preceptor Perceptions of the Immersive Clinical Experience in Athletic Training Education. Athletic Training Education Journal, 16(1), pp. 42-52. doi: 10.4085/1947-380x-20-36

  • Grimes, A.M., Neil, E.R., Eldred, C.M., Walker, S.E., Dougal, Z.J., & Eberman, L.E. (2021). Athletic Training Students' Perceptions of the Immersive Clinical Experience and its Influence on their Development. Athletic Training Education Journal, 16(1), pp. 32-41. doi: 10.4085/1947-380x-20-31

  • Babiarz, A.M., Nye, J.R.E., Neil, E.R., & Eberman, L.E. (2021). Athletic Trainers' Selection Behaviors Related to Multi-Session Continuing Education Conferences. Athletic Training Education Journal, 16(1), pp. 59-70. doi: 10.4085/1947-380x-19-083

  • Young, J., Neil, E.R., Granger, K., Walker, S.E., Chadburn, J.L., & Eberman, L.E. (2020). Preparedness, Confidence, and Best Practices in Preventing, Recognizing, Managing Mental Health Cases in NCAA Institutions. J Athl Train, 58(2), pp. 156-162. United States. doi: 10.4085/129-20

  • Kasamatsu, T.M., Nottingham, S.L., Eberman, L.E., Neil, E.R., & Bacon, C.E.W. (2020). Patient Care Documentation in the Secondary School Setting: Unique Challenges and Needs. J Athl Train, 55(10), pp. 1089-1097. United States. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-0406.19

  • Winkelmann, Z.K., Games, K.E., Rivera, M.J., Neil, E.R., & Eberman, L.E. (2020). Athletic Trainers' Knowledge and Practice Application of Public Health Topics. Athletic Training Education Journal, 15(4), pp. 308-320. doi: 10.4085/1947-380x-19-047

  • Eberman, L.E., Winkelmann, Z.K., Edler, J.R., & Neil, E.R. (2020). Athletic Trainers' Knowledge Regarding Health Care Delivery Systems and Administration in the American Health Care System. Athletic Training Education Journal, 15(4), pp. 295-307. doi: 10.4085/150119052

  • Nottingham, S.L., Kasamatsu, T.M., Eberman, L.E., Neil, E.R., & Bacon, C.E.W. (2020). Aspects of Technology That Influence Athletic Trainers' Current Patient Care Documentation Strategies in the Secondary School. J Athl Train, 55(8), pp. 780-788. United States. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-405-19

  • Runyon, L.M., Bacon, C.E.W., Neil, E.R., & Eberman, L.E. (2020). Understanding the Athletic Trainer's Role in the Return-to-Learn Process at National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II and III Institutions. J Athl Train, 55(4), pp. 365-375. United States. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-116-19

  • Szabo, A.L., Neil, E.R., Walker, S.E., Thrasher, A.B., & Eberman, L.E. (2020). Professional Program Preparation, Orientation, and Mentoring Tactics Used to Develop Professional Responsibility in Early-Career Athletic Trainers. Athletic Training Education Journal, 15(2), pp. 93-101. doi: 10.4085/150119035

  • Hyland, D., Cavallario, J., Neil, E.R., Laursen, M., & Eberman, L.E. (2020). Socialization Experiences of Athletic Training Preceptors. Athletic Training Education Journal, 15(2), pp. 102-112. doi: 10.4085/1947-380x-19-060

  • Boddicker, B., Winkelmann, Z.K., Neil, E.R., Walker, S.E., & Eberman, L.E. (2020). Athletic Trainers' Perceptions of Anxiety Before, During, and After a Standardized Patient Encounter. Athletic Training Education Journal, 15(2), pp. 156-167. doi: 10.4085/1947-380x-63-19

  • Winkelmann, Z., Neil, E., Games, K., Walker, S., & Eberman, L. (2020). Simulation-Based Learning to Improve Athletic Trainers’ Knowledge of Exertional Sudden Death Conditions: A Pilot Study. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. doi: 10.46743/1540-580x/2020.1946